Friday 12 February 2016

Top benefits of ionized water

Have you heard a lot about ionized water and how it is important for the pH balance of your body? Not able to comprehend these jargons? Here, these concepts are simplified so that even a layman can understand these terms and start getting maximum benefits from ionized water.
Meaning of pH balance
ionized water

If we want to measure how acidic or alkaline a food substance is, we make use of unit. This unit is called the pH balance. This pH value starts from 0 and goes on till 14. The mid value between these, that is 7, is considered to be neutral. A neutral food substance is one that has an equal amount of acidic and alkaline substance. If an item has very low pH, that is around 3, it is considered to be highly acidic in nature. However, if an item has quite a high pH, that is around 9, it is considered to be highly alkaline in nature.
Ionized water
Ionized water also known as alkaline water, is water that has a pH balance of around 8 to 9. Normal tap water or drinking water that we consume every day has a pH balance of around 6 only. If water is more alkaline, it is believed to give maximum refreshment and hydration to one’s body. It also helps the human body to maintain a good pH balance at all times. This is why ionized water is getting more and more popular every day.  There is an increased awareness among people about the importance and benefits of ionized water. Capitalising on this awareness, various manufacturers are coming with water ionizers that convert normal water into alkaline water with the help of a process known as electrolysis.
Top benefits of drinking ionized water
Maintenance of pH balance – Most of the common problems that you face every day could be heartburns, frequent bouts of cold, dehydration, development of wrinkles and acne on skin, frequent joint pains and other general fatigue issues. Most of these problems could be mainly because of the acidic nature of your body. If you consume too many acidic foods, this is the damage that you would cause to your body.  Ionized water helps you to beat this acidity by raising the alkalinity of your body and thus ensuring that your body’s pH balance is well-maintained at all times.
Provides Hydration – With the large number of nutrients present in it, ionized water makes your feel more rejuvenated and hydrated than normal water. Better hydration enables body in better absorption of this water.
alkaline water ioniezer

Great anti-oxidant–Ionized water is a very good anti –oxidant. It is believed to improve the functioning of one’s heart and metabolic system. It kills and enzyme known as pepsin from food and thus enables food to be broken down easily.
Builds immunity – Since alkaline water contains many minerals and nutrients, it helps body in fighting against all diseases effectively and thereby improves immunity levels by a great extent.
Helps weight loss – Drinking at least 8 litres of alkaline water every day is believed to bring down weight by a considerable extent.

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